Saturday, October 17, 2015

All Right, Saddle Up!

It is time. I know. You will know, too, if you are in such a situation. Don't confuse that it is time with the sheer boredom of not working or just that you haven't been working. You have to know you're healthy enough to work. That is why I know it is time. Sure, I was bored silly at times. How many books could I read, movies could I watch or think about picking up my guitar again. I came here to work, dammit! The good days have been outweighing the bad days, so it's time. All right, saddle up!

Nearly three months after my cancer surgery I started submitting for auditions again. I feel like I'm starting over, and in some ways I am. I'm reintroducing myself to the casting directors again. Sheer repetition of seeing my name may cause a brain memory connection. Better yet, when casting directors show up on my list that I got a job through before, I can casually mention, hey, yeah, baby, I worked on that Investigation show last spring, or yeah, daddy-o, thanks for getting me that gig in the fancy pants big budget movie. Well, not using that exact language of course. Right?

(Well, one thing is different - my surgical scar that begins above my belly button and extends down to, well, you know.)

There is really excitement in starting almost from scratch once again. I thought, should I change my resume photos after losing so much weight? Nope. I'm still bald and have a beard. No extra grey in the hair department. Saddle up! Being that this is Hollywood, and most of time Hollywood really loves those post-rehab or post-cancer stories, I have also harbored other thoughts.

Should I take advantage of my recent past to secure, perhaps, more gainful employment? Perhaps I should burst into the audition room and blithely state, "Hi everyone! I'm Rod Harrel, recovering cancer survivor..." and before you know it I'll have them in tears of laughter and sadness. Yep, that's the ticket! Maybe for added measure, I should hint of some sort of 'significant' drinking problem and make up a couple a kids and a heartless, greedy ex-wife. Before you know it, I'll have a spread in Variety, a book deal and be appearing on the Ellen show! Classic!

Seriously, that's not how I saddle up. I have always gone into anything on my merits and talent. Wish me luck, everybody!


Friday, August 28, 2015

As I Recover From Surgery, It's Nice To See My Earlier Work Released

Since returning home from the hospital two week stay, after my nine hour surgery, I spend most of the time concentrating on healing, sleeping a lot, reading, writing and watching, perhaps, too much TV. It has sometimes been a little boring and I can get a little stir crazy...OK, a lot stir crazy. I mean, how many times can you watch reruns of "Match Game", "Welcome Back, Kotter" or "Family Feud" without getting an unhealthy urge to start wearing bell bottoms and platform shoes and listening to the "Saturday Night Fever" soundtrack LP? Healing from cancer surgery does have some ominous pitfalls to say the least!

Before it became academic that I had to stop auditioning/working, I did manage to work on several projects. Therefore, it's a great pick-me-up when one of them gets released and I get to see the fruits of my labors (however brief, screen time-wise). The first of these in the post-surgery world was an episode of "Blood Relatives" that I shot last March. This "recreation" show appears on the Investigation Discovery Channel and the episode in question is entitled, "Dead In The Water".

(You know it! Selfie on the set.)
My non-speaking role was as the Medical Examiner. Poor guy - sleight spoiler alert - he ruled the death as 'accidental'. A few seconds of screen time at 17 and 18 minutes into the program, respectively, in case you're interested. That is always better than the ol' cutting room floor, of course. Once again, I was blessed by working with a comfortable crew and cast. In fact, I must have made a pretty good impression on the director, for his assistant called me a couple of months later offering me a small role in a different show. Alas, I had literally been wheeled out of my first surgery when the message came through and I couldn't accept the gig. C'est la vie.

Hey! There's always the next time! In the meantime, I await other projects to be released as well as being healthy enough to begin auditioning again. Something tells me I'll be even more of a force than I was before.


Saturday, June 13, 2015

So, You're An Actor With Cancer

(Hanging out on the set of "Hail, Caesar!" at the Hollywood Palladium)

Nearly a year ago I began having blood in my urine. Many doctor and ER trips later I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. I've had one surgery and soon will have another surgery and then be cancer free. That's how we cancer patients role. During all this time I've continued to submit for acting roles, auditioning and working. But, it hasn't been easy.

This business is all about the future. Can you show up for an audition on that date? Can you work three days during that week? You have to know your schedule to fill your schedule. I found it difficult at first to submit for an audition or a job because of this or that doctor appointments. Sometimes I would throw caution to the wind, as they say, and submit or audition and hope the dates were not going to conflict.

During this time I was basically fighting infections and/or having bloody urine on nearly every job I worked, and I worked quite a lot during certain months. Surprisingly, as I look back, I missed only two auditions and had to back out of only one job. That was due to visits to the ER. All the casting directors and assistant directors were as understanding as could be. So, it is possible to take of yourself and continue to work. In fact, the day I had my first surgery I had a message from an assistant director offering me a job in two days! I had worked with the director before and he liked what I did enough to remember me and offer a job. Of course, I had to respectfully decline and they were very nice and wished me well. Nice to be wanted.

Then came the news that I had to have another operation. Turns out that not only is my cancer rare, it is also resistant to chemo or radiation treatments. Therefore, an operation that will remove the bladder entirely (among other things) and I will not be able to audition or work for two months. That's almost forever in the acting biz, but that's the way it is. In some respects, this won't prevent me from continuing to submit for projects, as I have a firm date when I can audition and accept work again. I hope you can tell by now, the way to get through something like this is to stay as positive as you can. So, you can't work for a couple months as you are healing? Stay positive.

I plan on doing a lot of writing.

For those reader who are interested, here is a link to an article about my medical experiences thus far.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Sometimes You Need A Kick In The Ribs

I had been in a kind of funk for several weeks recently. I know some of it was caused by unpleasant health news that has yet to resolved, but a lot of it was because I wasn't working much. After a flurry of work during the last 3 months of last year, 2015 was starting out pretty dry. Only a couple jobs to be had and a creeping sense of no accomplishment and depression. I am actor after all, and I'm not acting.

Then it happened. I was cast in a low budget indie feature called "Retake" as a Homeless Man. It was a one day part and I found out the day before the shoot that mass transit would only get me to within 14 miles of the location. I went into a mini-panic. After a few e-mails to the producer, Sean Mandell, I must have been really wanted, for he sent a P. A. to pick up and drive me out there. Now, that was very nice! The location was east of Santa Clarita at an old motel on an old highway. Very moody indeed. I was wearing a costume I put together and it was immediately accepted. That's always nice, too.

After lunch it was time to shoot the scene I was in. As the Homeless Man I punch one of the leads although I can't tell you why as it is an important plot point. So, therefore, GO SEE THE MOVIE! Anyway, it was physical scene with some improvised dialogue. Suddenly, it was like the proverbial lightning bolt. A kick in the ribs, if you will. Acting! Raw! This is why I came to Los Angeles in the first place! I was having exhilarating fun. The director, Nick Corporon (also the writer), was great and did a lot of retakes and I am assuming not because that was title of the film. I must of punched that 6' 5" actor at least seven times. There was a lot of coverage for this scene that might last 2 minutes on screen.

(As The Man, before we lost the hat)
After being pushed out of the shot (literally), I found myself running ten yards off-camera, I was pumped up. It was a great feeling. Almost as if I had been in an artistic lethargy for those several weeks. After my role was done, the cast and crew gave me a hand and that, my friends, as it is rare, is quite nice.

(With Tuk Watkins on the set of "Retake")


Friday, December 19, 2014

The First Voucher

Most remember their own 'firsts'. First love, first kiss, first pet, first car and so on. For an actor pursuing a career, it is that first voucher. It means one is only two more away from becoming eligible to join the actor's union, SAG/AFTRA. As those of you following this blog have known, that is one of the reasons I chose to come to Los Angeles lo them two short years ago. Finally, it has happened, I received my first voucher!

For those of you who don't know, vouchers are what non-union actors (in this case, me) receive when they work on union films (in my case, "Hail, Caesar"). When an actor has three vouchers, they become eligible to join the union. Please take note of that word "eligible". An actor doesn't have to join the union. In fact, it is a decision one should take very carefully. Each situation is different and an actor should take stock of what it means to remain non-union or to join the union. Perhaps remaining non-union is right for an actor because they need more experience and/or more credits. Think of joining the union as going from the minor leagues in baseball to the major leagues. The actor will be auditioning for roles with fellow professionals and the competition level has increased. Joining the union is also a commitment. Think of the words spoken to Indiana Jones and "choose wisely".

(Hanging out at the location for "Hail Caesar" awaiting my turn before the camera.)
In my case, I have been submitting for anywhere from six to perhaps fifteen auditions daily since I've been here in Los Angeles. I have been able to find quite a variety of work although it has never been steady (the nature of the beast as they say), nor easy. So, I was quite pleased that after several attempts, I secured a job as a background extra on the Coen Brothers' new movie, "Hail, Caesar". In fact, I was so happy about it, I actually forgot that I'd wind up getting a voucher for it. Here is a good time to mention that if you work three days on one union project, you get three vouchers. Also, a good time to mention that they asked me to shave my beard for the part. Beards grow back, you know.

Will I join the union once I become eligible? Ahhhhhh! See above paragraphs, my friends. If the situation calls for it, yes I will. I will also be certainly letting you know the progress toward that level of commitment. For now, I will be remembering that first one.


Monday, October 20, 2014

Being A Tourist

Things have been going swimmingly of late and I don't even know how to swim. So, there's that. After two years here in Los Angeles I have had a lot of auditions and more than several gigs, but I rarely get to be a tourist. So, after a gig in Culver City I decided to stop at the ground zero for all that is holy here in Los Angeles, yep, Hollywood. I was tourist for awhile and now you get see a plethora of photographs I snapped, while I may or may not have been, snapping myself.

(The author at the center of Hollywood.)

They say the center of Hollywood is Hollywood Blvd. and Vine. Whether or not that is the case is moot, because I found quite a bit to photograph within a two block radius. And really, who the heck uses 'moot' in everyday conversation? Anyway, I'm a sucker for history. Check out the photos below.

(The famed Capitol Records building. Mostly known because of some obscure Liverpool rock and roll combo.)

(I have been awe of this man since I was kid. Thank goodness for reruns.)

(She started out as an actor, but then became one of the first female film directors in both film and television. Ida was one classy dame, as they used to say.)

(No better place to hang than the Hollywood & Vine subway station.)

(Blissfully unaware of the traffic, the mantis prays in Northridge.)

(Where I spend a lot of time going to and from auditions and to and from work.)

(When all else fails, Angelinos, you can always McLitter.)

So, my advice to you actors is: just relax once in awhile and be a tourist.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Trust The Casting Director

I ran across an interesting article that I would like to share with you all. Many moons ago I had this attitude...for a little while! It is going in for an audition thinking, "what am I doing here?", which basically guarantees that you will not be cast. The article (linked below) is a good reminder that you should trust your casting director. You weren't called in on some whim or a sprinkle of sparkles on to the floor. This attitude is not something that encompasses only young actors. I was once waiting patiently in an outer room for an audition. This older gentleman walked in, surveyed the room, and said to no one in particular, "what am I doing here?".

Trust the casting director.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

My Computer Has Fallen & I Can't Get Up!

Well into the 21st century it should be clear to most everyone how society has become dependent on the computer and it's pal, the internet. In the acting business this is more than fact, regardless of how behind Central Casting continues to be. Your resume is digitized, as well as your photos, your demo reel, your audition accounts and so on. So, what is an actor to do when your computer falls and it won't get back up?

As with all man-made creations, computers tend to break down. There are devices both real and virtual that will back up your data in case your computer dies, but when it dies, you are still left without access to job opportunities, and, shudder, jobs themselves. What do you do?

After it is apparent, despite how much vodka you may or may not consume, that your computer is dead and won't be getting back up, your options are pretty few indeed. Hopefully, you can borrow someone's computer, and eventually you're going to have to replace that dead computer with one that has some life in it. But, what if someone can't loan you their computer, then what? There is a ready, if limited, replacement. It's called the Los Angeles Public Library. Go into any branch and you can use their computer from one to two hours daily (except when the library is closed, of course) and at least make a dent in the audition daily hustle. You will need to get a library card and shame on you if you don't already have one! But, seriously, when your computer bites the dust, the library is your best (and perhaps only) bet to keep up on your acting career until you can get a new computer. As always, good luck, and "let's be careful out there".


Thursday, May 1, 2014

What? It's Only Been Eighteen Months?

It's sometimes hard to believe, but I've been in Los Angeles for eighteen months. Hard to believe because it's not that long a time. I must once again extend a great, big thank you to all the people out there who have supported me in this life changing move. So, here's a brief recap of the results of the last eighteen months.

(Cavorting on Vasquez Rocks during a recent much needed trip out of LA. Photo by E. Nagode.)

I've submitted to over 850 productions. I've auditioned over 80 times. I wound up appearing in three different episodes of "One Against Dumb". I had a featured extra role in "Ataru - The First Love & The Last Kill", which I haven't seen and probably landed on the ol' cutting room floor. I appeared in "Unusual Suspects" as a Witness and in "America's Court" as a Litigant and no, I haven't seen either of those shows. Hmmm, am I detecting a trend here? Yep, I don't have cable TV. I've also appeared in a supporting role as the Theatre Producer in the short film, "Incendiary". Also, I've been on [late night show name redacted] over 50 times now, although you often wouldn't see me.

Now what? Oh, there have been a few attempts at attracting an agent without any results as yet. But, I admit it's not a top priority and I do need to get a few more credits under my belt before the "agent thing" becomes a more credible route. Certainly, the contacts I've been making have been very helpful and will continue to be so. Did I expect to be a little more along with more gigs by this point? Possibly. However, given my age range, still relative newness to the biz here in "industry town" and comparing it to the previous four years, I actually feel pretty damn lucky.

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Like with any industry/business, the entertainment one has it's share of scammers. We usually associate scammers and Hollywood with lurid fantasies about the casting couch and sweet, young gullible wannabe starlets. That may still happen here and there, however there are other more insidious scammers who readily take advantage of the wild wild west known as the internet.

It takes a judicious red flag system to know when you are falling into not an acting job but a scammer job. While some are obvious, like the "agents" who promise you jobs, yet in reality want your $500, because, this is something a real agent does not do. Craigslist can also be a breeding ground for scammers although I've actually found some work through it. It's the red flags like asking you for money upfront, wanting you to send them personal information before an audition, or asking for headshots...or maybe just a little bit more!

The few times I've been on the road to scamtown I've been able to avoid any loss of money or pride by looking out for those red flags. Even though Craigslist may be easy to pick on, if you are applying for auditions through a legitimate clearing house, scammers are lurking there, too. Let me tell you a story how I almost got scammed. I was using one of my audition clearing house sites and came across something interesting to apply for an audition. It was a one day commercial shoot at the beach and the pay was a flat buyout of $300. I sent a request and within the hour got a reply e-mail (not that unusual because the shoot date was only a few days off) which asked for a slightly red flag request. Could I send a photo of me wearing a towel as if I was at the beach? I thought "why not, no skin off my back" (so to speak) and I knew I could come up with a funny photo. Here it is:

I figured if they weren't scared off by this photo, they'd laugh and schedule me an audition. Well, they did respond a couple of hours later via e-mail waving a red flag that (one would hope) even the wannabe starlet would see. They wanted yet another photo, but this time they wanted me in a swimsuit, as they put it, "fully aroused". After I had myself a laurel and...hearty laugh, I sent them off an e-mail sans any photo attached. "Are you really that hard up you'd want to see a middle aged guy wearing a swimsuit with a hard on?"

I never received another e-mail from them.