Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Sometimes You Need A Kick In The Ribs

I had been in a kind of funk for several weeks recently. I know some of it was caused by unpleasant health news that has yet to resolved, but a lot of it was because I wasn't working much. After a flurry of work during the last 3 months of last year, 2015 was starting out pretty dry. Only a couple jobs to be had and a creeping sense of no accomplishment and depression. I am actor after all, and I'm not acting.

Then it happened. I was cast in a low budget indie feature called "Retake" as a Homeless Man. It was a one day part and I found out the day before the shoot that mass transit would only get me to within 14 miles of the location. I went into a mini-panic. After a few e-mails to the producer, Sean Mandell, I must have been really wanted, for he sent a P. A. to pick up and drive me out there. Now, that was very nice! The location was east of Santa Clarita at an old motel on an old highway. Very moody indeed. I was wearing a costume I put together and it was immediately accepted. That's always nice, too.

After lunch it was time to shoot the scene I was in. As the Homeless Man I punch one of the leads although I can't tell you why as it is an important plot point. So, therefore, GO SEE THE MOVIE! Anyway, it was physical scene with some improvised dialogue. Suddenly, it was like the proverbial lightning bolt. A kick in the ribs, if you will. Acting! Raw! This is why I came to Los Angeles in the first place! I was having exhilarating fun. The director, Nick Corporon (also the writer), was great and did a lot of retakes and I am assuming not because that was title of the film. I must of punched that 6' 5" actor at least seven times. There was a lot of coverage for this scene that might last 2 minutes on screen.

(As The Man, before we lost the hat)
After being pushed out of the shot (literally), I found myself running ten yards off-camera, I was pumped up. It was a great feeling. Almost as if I had been in an artistic lethargy for those several weeks. After my role was done, the cast and crew gave me a hand and that, my friends, as it is rare, is quite nice.

(With Tuk Watkins on the set of "Retake")


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