Saturday, August 9, 2014

My Computer Has Fallen & I Can't Get Up!

Well into the 21st century it should be clear to most everyone how society has become dependent on the computer and it's pal, the internet. In the acting business this is more than fact, regardless of how behind Central Casting continues to be. Your resume is digitized, as well as your photos, your demo reel, your audition accounts and so on. So, what is an actor to do when your computer falls and it won't get back up?

As with all man-made creations, computers tend to break down. There are devices both real and virtual that will back up your data in case your computer dies, but when it dies, you are still left without access to job opportunities, and, shudder, jobs themselves. What do you do?

After it is apparent, despite how much vodka you may or may not consume, that your computer is dead and won't be getting back up, your options are pretty few indeed. Hopefully, you can borrow someone's computer, and eventually you're going to have to replace that dead computer with one that has some life in it. But, what if someone can't loan you their computer, then what? There is a ready, if limited, replacement. It's called the Los Angeles Public Library. Go into any branch and you can use their computer from one to two hours daily (except when the library is closed, of course) and at least make a dent in the audition daily hustle. You will need to get a library card and shame on you if you don't already have one! But, seriously, when your computer bites the dust, the library is your best (and perhaps only) bet to keep up on your acting career until you can get a new computer. As always, good luck, and "let's be careful out there".


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