Monday, October 20, 2014

Being A Tourist

Things have been going swimmingly of late and I don't even know how to swim. So, there's that. After two years here in Los Angeles I have had a lot of auditions and more than several gigs, but I rarely get to be a tourist. So, after a gig in Culver City I decided to stop at the ground zero for all that is holy here in Los Angeles, yep, Hollywood. I was tourist for awhile and now you get see a plethora of photographs I snapped, while I may or may not have been, snapping myself.

(The author at the center of Hollywood.)

They say the center of Hollywood is Hollywood Blvd. and Vine. Whether or not that is the case is moot, because I found quite a bit to photograph within a two block radius. And really, who the heck uses 'moot' in everyday conversation? Anyway, I'm a sucker for history. Check out the photos below.

(The famed Capitol Records building. Mostly known because of some obscure Liverpool rock and roll combo.)

(I have been awe of this man since I was kid. Thank goodness for reruns.)

(She started out as an actor, but then became one of the first female film directors in both film and television. Ida was one classy dame, as they used to say.)

(No better place to hang than the Hollywood & Vine subway station.)

(Blissfully unaware of the traffic, the mantis prays in Northridge.)

(Where I spend a lot of time going to and from auditions and to and from work.)

(When all else fails, Angelinos, you can always McLitter.)

So, my advice to you actors is: just relax once in awhile and be a tourist.