Sunday, December 15, 2013

The First Year

Here it is already: my first year anniversary of being an actor in Los Angeles. At times the year flew by and at other times it seemed to drag. Now a look back, both pro and con, over the last year.

(photo by E. L. Nagode)
I will do the con list first because it is shorter. I live too far from where most of the studios are, resulting in sometimes rather long commutes. Of course, working harder and making more money would result in the funding to move closer to the action, as it were. It's as hard to secure a "regular job" here as it was in Portland. However, sure attrition will eventually work in my favor. Finally, I lost my food benefits due to a paperwork error and spending what little money on food has been a bit of an issue lately. Yet, see above: hard work to get gigs to make more money.

See what I did there? Every con had a way to improve it to a pro. You have to think like that here otherwise the city may indeed swallow you whole without too much mercy. You have to be constantly "pimping" and you must be able to figure out the best way out of any bad situation.

(photo by Jovan Jupiter)
Now, the pro list. It is longer, so long in fact, I will focus on only a few of them. I haven't made much money acting here, but I have made more in the last year than my last 5 years in Portland. There's that word again, "money". It's the necessary evil of our society and the more of it I make, the better able I can take care of not only myself, but others. I have submitted to over 500 productions and have auditioned over 70 times. It's beyond my expectations and it's always nice to see a casting agent more than once. From this work at finding work I have slowly built up a resume of Los Angeles acting work.

First, the short videos I did for Ralph Wong. Not only were they my first gigs here, they also allowed me to ride the bicycle again and realize I'm not going to fall over. Then there was my guest appearance on "America's Court" which they say has aired, but I have yet to see it. Yep, don't waste too much time trying to find your work, you have more important things to do. Then there was the excitement of working on the Japanese/American production of the movie spin-off of the popular Japanese TV show, "Ataru". When will it be released in the United States? Working on the short film, "Incendiary", was a total joy more than likely due to the fact that improving lines was allowed. I have also recently been working a steady gig that I cannot tell you any more about. Yes, you better learn what a confidentiality agreement is all about.

(About to "strangle" the star of "Incendiary".)
The weather. It's perhaps not too surprising that would make the pro list. I don't have any problem leaving behind the months per year of rain and cold that Portland provided. Finally, the area itself. It is steeped in the kind of history I've been studying for decades. The history of film and television. So many famous locations are around it will take years just to see most of them. Vasquez Rocks, Franklin Lake and a couple of cemeteries, just to name a few.

It's been quite a year of learning about my new location and the industry that is film and television. Some transitions have been smooth while others have not and always there is the persistent belief that I can actually do something I love, acting. I can do it well and with conviction and perhaps someday soon it will reward me with not only a decent living but a wealth of new friends and, of course, new blog posts.

Until next year, from Los Angeles, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.